Commodities:AFEX signs MoU with KSIP

Mukhtar Yahya Usman
AFEX, the foremost commodities market player in Nigeria, has formalized a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kano State Investment and Properties Limited (KSIP).
KANO FOCUS, reports that the signing of the MoU transpired at the AFEX headquarters in Abuja on the 21st of February 2024.
Speaking at the event the General Manager of Corporate Services Mrs. Magajiya Sale Hamza said the primary objective of the MoU is to cultivate collaboration and partnership for the advancement and prosperity of the commodity sector within Kano State.
She said the agreement signifies the dedication of AFEX and KSIP to drive progress in the commodities industry, particularly agriculture, in Nigeria.

Mrs Hamza added that through the collaboration, AFEX will leverage its expertise to rejuvenate the commodities landscape in Kano State, identifying dormant and underutilized commodity resources, implementing infrastructure enhancements, expanding market reach, and establishing a viable marketplace for commodity trading and commerce.
Furthermore, the partnership will entail AFEX and Kano State exploring opportunities for debt capital rise on the Exchange, with a focus on funding initiatives and operations associated with the commodity sector.
In a remark, the Managing Director of Kano State Investment and Properties Limited, Alhaji Auwalu Mukhtari, emphasized that KSIP’s core objective has always been to secure prosperity for the people of Kano State.
He highlighted that the collaboration with AFEX sets a precedent for revitalizing the agricultural sector by harnessing human and capital resources to enhance economic output and create value for the state.
Mukhtari noted that Kano is a significant producer of essential consumption commodities such as Maize, Paddy Rice, Sorghum, Soybean, and Sesame, and also exports commodities like groundnut.
However, challenges such as droughts, limited storage facilities, insufficient fertilizer application, and lack of quality seeds hinder production and export capabilities.
He said the KSIP was established to promote industrial and commercial endeavors in the state by facilitating direct equity investments and supporting entrepreneurs involved in industry, commerce, and agriculture.
Through this partnership, KSIP aims to provide financial support to the agricultural sector to enhance productivity.
On his part, the Group Chief Executive Officer of AFEX, Ayodeji Balogun, expressed his enthusiasm for collaborating with Kano State Investment and Properties Limited to enhance efficiency and innovation throughout the commodity value chain in Nigeria.
Balogun highlighted that the exchange model to be implemented in the project will offer a centralized platform for farmers, aggregators, and processors to engage in transparent and efficient trading, thereby improving fair pricing across the value chain and facilitating access to the substantial capital required for such initiatives.
AFEX’s commitment to leveraging technology aligns with the broader objective of enhancing productivity for farmers and bolstering the agricultural sector in Nigeria.
By streamlining access to inputs, AFEX empowers farmers to boost their yields and enhance their livelihoods.
This partnership lays the groundwork for an inclusive commodities ecosystem in Kano, utilizing indigenous models and expertise to establish a more efficient and inclusive value chain that benefits all stakeholders and enriches Nigeria.
Commenting on the MoU, the Managing Director of DSU Brokerage, Mr. Kola Oyedun, said they firmly advocate for the establishment of a dynamic commodity trading ecosystem as being paramount for the advancement of Nigeria and its populace.
Commenting on the MoU the Managing Director of DSU Brokerage Mr kola Oyabun said we believe that building a vibrant commodity trading Ecosystem is in the best interest of Nigeria and its
“DSU Brokerage Services Ltd is deeply honored to serve as investment advisors and brokers to Kano State Investment and Property Company Ltd, thereby facilitating the inception of this pioneering initiative.
“Our unwavering belief is that the establishment of a flourishing commodity trading ecosystem stands as a fundamental pillar for the prosperity of Nigeria.

Police launches investigation into Muhyi’s alleged forgery scandal

Kano police command has on Monday launched investigation into Muhuyi Magaji’s alleged forgery scandal.
KANO FOCUS reports that the police spokesperson in Kano Abdullahi Haruna announced this in an audio clip sent to journalists on Monday.
He said the police have received a petition from Kano state House and Assembly and the office of Accountant General of the state accusing Muhuyi of presenting fake medical report to adhoc committee constituted to investigate the embattled chairman of the PCACC.
Kiyawa said Mr Magaji has on Monday honoured the police invitation over the alleged forgery case.
It could be recalled that the National Hospital Abuja in a letter dated July 19, 2021 and sent to clerk of Kano state House Assembly said there is no patient named ‘Muhuyi Magaji’ in their hospital record and no folder was opened in that name.

The letter written by the Director Clinical services in the Hospital, Aisha Umar said the name and signature of the doctor (Dr. Bayo) on the medical report do not belong to any staff of National Hospital, Abuja.
It therefore declare the medical report as ‘NOT authentic’.

An gurfanar da Rarara gaban kotu kan zargi rawa da matar aure
Aminu Abdullahi
Babbar Kotun Shari’ar musulunci dake nan Kano karkashin mai sharia Ustaz Ibrahim Sarki Yola ta baiwa baturen ‘yan sanda na Kwalli umarnin kamo mawakin siyasar nan Dauda Kahutu Rarara don gudanar da bincike a kansa.
Kano Focus ta ruwaito cewa kotun ta bada umarnin a kamo mawakin ne biyo bayan kin bayyana a gaban ta bayan da aka gurfanar da shi kan zargin yin rawa da waka da matar wani mutum a cikin wakar da ya yi mai suna Jihata – Jihata ce.
Mai shari’ar ya kuma ce umarnin na nufin a gayyaci duk wanda yake cikin shari’ar tare da ladabtar dasu matukar suka ki mutun ta gayyatar.
Wani mai suna Abdulkadir Inuwa ne ya shigar da kara kotun inda ya ce kusan watannin biyar kenan da daura masa aure da matarsa sai dai tayi badan dabo watanni uku da suka gabata.

Ya kara da cewa kwatsam sai ganinta matar ta sa ya yi mai suna Maryan Muhammad tana rawa da waka da Rarara a cikin wata waka mai suna Jihata -Jihata ce a shafin internet na YouTube.
Haka kuma ya ce yaje gidan iyayen ta wadanda suka daura masa aure da ita amma sai su ka ce masa basu ganta ba.
Sai dai lauyan mawakin Barista Muhammad Bashir ya musanta zargin da’awar mijin nata inda yace ko kadan Rarara bai san wacce ake magana akai ba, asali ma ba shi ne ya gayyaci Maryam cikin wakar ba, wani mai shirya fim ne Abubakar Bashir Mai Shadda ya gayyace ta.
Ya kuma ce kotun bata da hurumin saurarar karar kasancewar ya yi ikirin cewa suna rawa da waka tare a cikin wakar Jihata Jihata ce.

Baka da ‘yancin da ya fi mallakar katin dan kasa-Sarkin Karaye
Mukhtar Yahya Usman
Mai martaba sarkin Karaye Ibrahim Abubakar na II ya bukaci al’ummar masarautar sa da su tabbata sun mallaki katin dan kasa.
Kano Focus ta ruwaito wannan na kunshe ne cikin wata sanarwa da jami’in hulda da jama’a na masarautar Haruna Gunduwawa ya fitar a ranar Litinin.
Ta cikin saanrwar sarkin na wannan kira ne ya yin da ya karbi bakuncin shugaban Hukumar katin dan kasa (NIMC) shiyyar Kano Lawan Yahya ranar Litinin a Fadar sa.
Sarkin ya ce katin dan kasa na da muhimmancin gaske a don hakan ne ma ya zama waji ba jama’a su ta shi su mallaka domin kare kansu da ga wasu matsalolin rayuwa.

Ya kara da cewa masarautar Karaye a shirye ta ke ta baiwa Hukumar ta NIMC dukkanin hadin gwiwar da suke bukata wajen ciyar da ayyukan su gaba.
Mr Ibrahim ya kara da cewa yana daga cikin abin da masarautar ta sanya a gaba, rungumar duk abin da ke da muhimmanci hannu biyi.
A nasa jawabin shugaban Hukumar ta NIMC shiyyar Kano Lawan Yahya ya ce sun je fadar Sarkin ne domin neman taimakon sa wajen gudanar da ayyukan su.
Ya kara da cewa da hadin gwiwar masarautar zai taimaka musu ainun wajen cimma nasarar ayyukan su.