Friday Sermon: O Muslims, Be Prepared To Pay Your Zakatul Fitr/Sadaqatul Fitr
By Imam Murtadha Gusau
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation, may Allah extol the mention of our noble Prophet Muhammad in the highest company of Angels, bless him and give him peace and security―and his family, his Companions and all those who follow him correctly and sincerely until the establishment of the Hour.
Dear brothers and sisters! Know that Zakatul-Fitr or Sadaqatul-Fitr is a charity given to the poor and needy at the end of the fasting in the Islamic noble month of Ramadan. The Arabic word Fitr means the same as iftar, breaking a fast, and it comes from the same root word as Futur which means breakfast.
Imam Ibn Qudamah (Rahimahullah) says in his famous book Umdat fil Fiqh:
“Zakatul-Fitr (charity given at the end of Ramadan) is an obligation upon every Muslim men and women who owns more than the essential food he needs for himself and his dependents, to be given on the eve and the day of Eid. The amount of charity is one Sa’i of wheat, barley, flour, rice etc. It can also be paid in crushed form or in dates or raisins. However, if he cannot find this, he should give any kind of food he eats that will measure equally. Whoever must pay charity for himself must also pay it for his dependents if he owns enough on the day before Eid to pay for them. If a person’s provision is the responsibility of a group of people, such as a shared servant or someone in difficulty who is a relative of a group, then his charity is obligatory upon them all in accordance with their share of responsibility for his provision. It is preferable to pay the charity on the day of Eid before the prayer. It is not permissible to delay its payment until after the day of Eid, but it is permissible to pay it a day or two in advance. It is permissible to give charity to one person that which is obligatory upon a group, and also to give charity to a group that which is obligatory upon one person.”
Respected brothers and sisters! Fitr means to break fast or to refrain from fasting. Hence the Eid after the fasts of Ramadan is called Eid-ul-Fitr, as it is the day of rejoicing after the completion of Ramadan fasting.
On this occasion of happiness, as a sign of gratitude to Allah Almighty, one has to give a specific amount in alms, which is called Sadaqatul Fitr or Zakatul Fitr. To purify and obtain complete blessings for the fasts of Ramadan Mubarak one has to give Sadaqatul Fitr.
It is reported from Ibn Abbas (RA) that:
“Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) made charity of Fitr compulsory as a purification of fasts from useless talks and vile discourses and also as a food to the poor.” [Abu Dawud]
Thus it is wajib (compulsory) to give Sadaqatul-Fitr to purify one’s fast. The true object in giving Sadaqatul-fitr on this happy occasion, is also to assist the poor and needy, so that, they may rejoice with the more fortunate.
In a narration of Tirmidhi, it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) sent a proclaimer through the lanes of Makkah to proclaim:
“Beware, charity of Fitr is compulsory on every Muslim, male or female, free or slave, young or old, two muds [measures] of wheat, or its equivalent, or one Sa’i from food crops.”
It is apparent from this Hadith that Sadaqatul-Fitr is wajib (compulsory) on every Muslim. A person should pay Sadaqatul-Fitr on behalf of his family if they own no wealth. It is wajib to pay Sadaqatul-Fitr, whether one fasts or not.
The time of Sadaqah becomes wajib on the day of Eid when the dawn breaks. If a person dies before Subh Sadiq [dawn], no sadaqatul-fitr will be paid from his wealth, but if a child is born before dawn, it shall be paid on behalf of that child. It is permissible to pay Sadaqatul Fitr during the month of Ramadan, though it is advisable to pay on the day of Eid before the Eid Prayer. It will remain due to him whatever time has passed.
To distribute a specific type of food, barley, dates etc, on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr is wajib (compulsory). This giving of alms to the poor and needy on this auspicious day is called Sadaqatul Fitr as mentioned above. The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) instructed the giving of Sadaqatul Fitr, in the same year fasting of Ramadan was made compulsory. This was in the second year after Hijrah. The reasons for giving Sadaqatul Fitr are:
1. To give Sadaqatul Fitr in lieu of the acceptance of one’s fasting;
2. To thank Allah Ta’ala, for bestowing on us the strength to fast during the month of Ramadan;
3. To purify one’s fast and obtain the complete blessings of fasting;
4. To celebrate the completion of fasting;
5. To demonstrate greatness of the day of Eid;
6. To assists the poor in joining the atmosphere of Eid.
Therefore, respected brothers and sisters! Sadaqatul Fitr is compulsory charity which becomes payable on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr.
Sadaqatul Fitr is compulsory upon all Muslims, male, female and children, who on the Day of Eid-ul-Fitr are owners of certain amounts of food.
Zakatul Fitr becomes wajib when the Day of Fitr dawns with the commencement of Fajr time. Therefore, if someone died before entry of Fajr on the Day of Eid, Sadaqatul Fitr will not be paid out of his (the deceased’s) estate, since this Zakatul Fitr is not wajib on him. And, if a child is born before the rising of Fajr, Zakatul Fitr will be paid on his behalf. If the child is born after the entry of Fajr (on the Day of Eid), Zakatul Fitr is not wajib on his behalf.
Dear brothers and sisters! The father has to pay the Sadaqatul Fitr on behalf of his underage children, i.e. those who have not attained the age of puberty.
According to some jurists (fuqaha), it is not obligatory upon the husband to pay Sadaqatul Fitr on behalf of his wife. If she is the owner of the wealth and the husband doesn’t have, she shall have to pay her own Sadaqatul Fitr.
If a minor is the owner of wealth to the amount of Nisab, then payment of Sadaqatul Fitr on behalf of the minor could be made from out of his (minor’s) wealth.
The Sadaqatul Fitr should preferably be paid before the Eid Prayer.
It is not permissible to delay the payment of Sadaqatul Fitr later than the Day of Eid. However, if it was not paid on the Day of Eid or before, the obligation remains and the Sadaqatul Fitr will have to be paid.
According to some jurists (fuqaha), it is permissible to pay the Sadaqatul Fitr in advance at any time during the month of Ramadan. Some even said the Sadaqatul Fitr could be paid even before Ramadan.
Dear servants of Allah! Sadaqatul Fitr is compulsory upon all those who fasted as well as those who did not fast for some reason or the other. And the Sadaqatul Fitr can only be paid to “the poor”, who are the ones entitled to accept Zakah (as some jurists mentioned).
Sadaqatul Fitr cannot be utilised for any charitable purpose other than to give to spelt the poor. Therefore, if Sadaqatul Fitr monies are accumulated and then spent on some other charitable cause, the Sadaqatul Fitr obligation of the fitr payers will not be discharged.
The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said:
“The fast remains suspended between the Heaven and the Earth until the Sadaqatul Fitr is paid (If the Hadith is authentic).”
This Hadith of the Prophet illustrates the importance of the Sadaqatul Fitr and its direct bearing on the acceptance of our fasting. The fast is only presented for acceptance by Allah Ta’ala when the obligation of Sadaqatul Fitr is correctly discharged. The Muslim public should therefore be very scrupulous when effecting payment of the Sadaqatul Fitr. If the Sadaqatul Fitr is misused or wrongly distributed by the representatives of the public, the public will still be responsible for its fulfilment.
Dear brothers and sisters! Also know that the intent of Lailatul Qadr is not praying a lot, indeed the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) did not increase on eleven units (Raka’ahs) in Ramadan or other than it.
The intent of when the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) would tighten his waist wrapper during the last ten nights is not praying a lot, but the intent is al-I’tikaf as was the situation of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) mentioned in his Sirah. The intent is not a specific ritual which is done in this night! No, this is not the intent. Rather the intent is for the servant of Allah to prepare and spend this night in supplication (Du’a) and Zikr (remembrance of Allah). Do you not see in the Hadith which is collected by Tirmidhi, from Aisha (RA), who said:
“I said O Messenger of Allah what if I knew what night the night of Lailatul Qadr was, then what should I say on that night?’ He said: say Allahummah Innaka Afuwwun, tuhibbul Afwa, Fa’afu anni. (Meaning): O Allah, indeed You pardon and You love pardoning so pardon me.” (Tirmidhi said: this Hadith is Hasan Sahih).
Indeed the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) did not teach her to pray a lot nor to make lots of Du’a or to perform a specific ritual of worship, rather he taught her this Du’a.
In al-Muwatta of Imam Malik in the book of al-I’tikaf, the chapter of what is mentioned about Lailatul Qadr: From Imam Malik that it reached him that Sa’id bin Musayyib used to say:
“Whoever attended the Isha’ prayer on Lailatul Qadr then he has taken his portion of it.”
Respected brothers and sisters! Once again, we are reaching out to you to join us in our noble cause to provide daily meals and Eid-ul-fitr items for 3,000 orphans throughout the noble month. As usual, your support will ensure that those orphans, widows and those in need can break their fast and celebrate their Eid-ul-fitr with dignity and nourishment. Every donation counts in making a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters during this blessed, merciful and sacred time. Donate now to help us reach our goal and spread the blessings of Ramadan and sallah celebration to those who need it most.
As usual, we sincerely seek your financial support, your help, your assistance, your donation and your contribution about the Ramadan Feeding and Eid celebration for our orphans and the students under our care in our Islamic schools. Your support is highly needed for Allah’s sake, FISABILILLAH!
We sincerely solicit for your kind and sincere contribution towards the good and great work of Iftar and sallah for our orphans and our students; and also for the development of our schools and Islamic Center financially, materially and morally.
Our aim and objective always is to have a standard Islamic center and Arabic/Islamic schools for orphans and less privileged children.
We are soliciting also, if you want to pay your zakah or your zakatul fitr/sadaqatul fitr our great Islamic center is waiting for your kind and merciful gesture. Sincerely, your donation will help distribute iftar food, meat and sallah’s clothes to our orphan students.
Remember, the blessed and merciful month of Ramadan will not be the same without our families, but unfortunately this is not a privilege enjoyed by everyone. This is the reason we’re steadfast in planning to provide food for the orphans, widows and students under our care!
We planned to be distributing food package and clothes that worth amount up to 3,000 orphans In Shaa Allah, this year.
And your contribution is highly needed as usual. May Allah rewards all your efforts and your good deeds; may He Subhanahu wa Ta’ala bless you more, give you long life and protect you from all evils, ameen.
Allah Almighty says:
“If you support the course of Allah, He will support you.” [Qur’an, 47: 7]
The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said:
“Whoever relieves his Muslim brother of a hardship from the hardships of this world, Allah shall relieve him of a hardship from the hardships of the Day of Judgement. And whoever makes things easy for a person in difficulty, Allah will ease for him in this world and the Next. Allah is forever aiding a servant so long as he is in the aid of his brother.”
And he (Peace be upon him) said:
“Every act of goodness is considered as Sadaqah.” [Bukhari]
Please donate to our Ramadan iftar food package and Eid celebration project. With your support we can provide essential food Items and help alleviate the difficulties and bring ease to the orphans, needy, women and children who have been affected the most by the problems insecurity, cost of living crisis, inflation and world economic crisis.
Please keep helping the cause of Allah with Allah’s money. Whoever gives for Allah, Allah will give him more. Donate to the Nagazi-Uvete Islamic Center.
This is our account details as follows:
1. Account no. – 0048647196, GTBank
2. Account no. – 1779691620, Access Bank
For more enquiries contact, Imam Murtadha Muhammad Gusau, the director and Imam Of the Center: 08038289761.
And to donate food directly or sallah cows and clothes, etc, contact the following Numbers: 08038289761, 08056557477.
Dear brothers and sisters! Wallahi your generosity can make a real difference in the lives of those in dire need.
May Allah accept your generous contributions and multiply the rewards for you many times over. Ameen!
Jazakumullah Khairan as you kindly contribute.
I ask Allah to give us the ability to restrain our desires and to willingly submit ourselves to His will.
I ask Allah to assist us in living by the Quran and Sunnah. I pray that He lets us recognise the truth for what it is and helps us to follow it, and that He lets us see falsehood for what it is and helps us to avoid it.
O Allah! Guide us and protect us from the causes of ignorance and destruction! Save us from the defects of ourselves! Cause the last of our deeds to be the best and most righteous! And forgive all of us. Ameen.
My respected people! Anything good I have said in my today’s Khutbah (Sermon) is from Allah the Almighty, and any mistakes are my own and we seek refuge in Allah from giving wrong advice and from all forms of calamities and fitnah. And I ask Allah’s forgiveness if I stepped beyond bounds in anything I said or I do.
May Allah be praised; and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and upon his family and Companions.
With this I conclude my Khutbah (Sermon) and ask Allah, the Almighty and the sublime, to forgive all of our sins. So seek his forgiveness, He is all forgiving Most Merciful.
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. May the peace, blessings and salutations of Allah be upon our noble Messenger, Muhammad, and upon his family, his Companions and his true followers.
Murtadha Muhammad Gusau is the Chief Imam of: Nagazi-Uvete Jumu’ah Mosque; and Late Alhaji Abdur-Rahman Okene Mosque, Okene, Kogi State, Nigeria. He can be reached via: gusauimam@gmail.com; or +2348038289761.
This Friday sermon (Jumu’ah Khutbah) was prepared for delivery today Friday, 26 Ramadan, 1445 AH (April 05, 2024).
Why Does Nigeria’s Economy Slow Down in Q1?
By Saleh Adamu Kwaru, MIBF, MBA, CNA, FCCSA-USA
Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy, often experiences a noticeable slowdown in economic activities during the first quarter (Q1) of each year. This phenomenon, observed consistently over the past decade, raises important questions about the underlying causes and implications. The slowdown affects various sectors of the economy, from agriculture and manufacturing to services and retail, impacting growth rates and economic stability. Understanding the reasons behind this seasonal dip is crucial for developing strategies to mitigate its effects and ensure sustained economic progress throughout the year. Consequently, this exploration is aimed at only uncovering the key factors contributing to the Q1 economic slowdown in Nigeria.
Government Fiscal Year-End
The Nigerian government operates on a calendar fiscal year, meaning that the budget cycle ends in December. Ministries, departments, and agencies rush to utilize their allocated funds before the end of the year, often leading to a spike in government spending in Q4. Consequently, there’s a lull in spending in Q1 as new budgets are prepared and approved. This delay in government expenditure impacts overall economic activity.
Consumer Spending Patterns
The holiday season in Q4, including Christmas and New Year celebrations, leads to a surge in consumer spending on goods and services. This increased spending includes purchases of food, clothing, gifts, travel, and entertainment. After the holiday season, consumers tend to reduce their spending to recover financially, leading to a slowdown in economic activity in Q1.
Agricultural Cycle
Agriculture plays a significant role in Nigeria’s economy. The peak harvest season occurs in Q4, providing increased agricultural output and income for farmers. Following the harvest, the agricultural sector slows down as farmers focus on land preparation in last stage of Q1. This seasonal cycle results in reduced agricultural productivity and economic contribution during the first quarter.
Oil Sector Dynamics
Nigeria’s economy is heavily reliant on the oil sector. Fluctuations in global oil prices and production levels can impact the economy significantly. The oil industry may experience variations in output and revenue due to maintenance schedules, regulatory changes, or geopolitical factors. These variations can influence economic performance in Q1.
Business Planning and Activities
Many businesses undertake strategic planning, inventory management, and budget reviews at the beginning of the year. This period is often used for setting goals, assessing performance, and making adjustments. As a result, business activities may slow down temporarily while companies align their operations and strategies for the new year.
External Factors
Global economic conditions, trade relations, and geopolitical events can also affect Nigeria’s economy. External shocks, such as changes in commodity prices, exchange rates, or international trade policies, can influence economic performance. Additionally, any significant global events or crises may have spillover effects on Nigeria’s economy, impacting Q1 performance.
Sectoral Contributions
Key sectors such as manufacturing, construction, and services may experience seasonal variations in output and demand. For example, construction activities may slow down during certain weather conditions, while the service sector may see reduced demand for tourism-related services post-holiday season.
Policy and Reform Implementation
Government policies and economic reforms often take time to implement and yield results. Initiatives aimed at diversifying the economy, improving. infrastructure, or enhancing business environments may face initial delays and challenges. The impact of these policies may not be immediately visible in Q1, contributing to slower economic growth.
Tackling these issues demands a holistic strategy, which involves diversifying the economy, encouraging sustainable agricultural methods, improving fiscal planning and management, and enacting policies that ensure steady economic activity throughout the year. Indeed, by understanding and mitigating the reasons for the Q1 economic slowdown, Nigeria can build a more resilient and dynamic economy that prospers throughout the year.
Saleh Adamu Kwaru,
Is a retired staff of Central Bank of Nigeria.
A Cry for Help: Saving the Life of Nura Zakaria Gwarzo
By Engr. H.Y. Sa’id
Nura Zakaria Gwarzo, a prominent politician and businessman, has been a pillar of strength and inspiration to many in his community. Despite being a sickle cell patient, Nura has always defied the odds, living a life filled with purpose, passion, and philanthropy. His infectious smile and unwavering optimism have touched countless lives, earning him a reputation as a kind-hearted and generous individual.
Nura’s Philanthropic Efforts
Nura’s commitment to giving back to his community is evident in his numerous philanthropic endeavors. He has sponsored the medical treatment of several individuals, including a relative who received treatment for over a year at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH). He also facilitated the emergency medical evacuation of another person to Egypt for urgent medical attention. These selfless acts of kindness have made a significant impact on the lives of those he has helped.
A Desperate Cry for Help
Tragically, Nura’s own health has taken a drastic turn. He has been bedridden for almost a year, battling a series of debilitating health challenges. His struggles began with anemia, which required him to undergo multiple blood transfusions, receiving over 13 pints of blood in a single month. Further complications led to the diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis, a bacterial infection of the bone, which necessitated a series of surgeries.
The medical journey has been arduous, with Nura undergoing multiple surgeries, including a successful sequesterectomy to remove the infected bone tissue. However, his recovery was short-lived, as he suffered a devastating setback when he broke his femur bone while trying to remove his shirt due to the sweltering heat. The hospital, plagued by power outages due to unpaid debts to the electricity provider, Kedco, was unable to provide adequate care, exacerbating Nura’s condition.
A Heartbreaking Reality
The cumulative effect of these medical expenses has been crippling, leaving Nura and his family financially drained. Despite his bravery and resilience, Nura’s health continues to deteriorate, and his family is struggling to make ends meet. It is heartbreaking to see this once-vibrant individual, who has always been there for others, now in desperate need of our help.
A Call to Action
We urge everyone to come together and support Nura in his time of need. Your donations, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in his recovery. We appeal to your sense of compassion, kindness, and generosity to help save Nura’s life.
Let us rally around Nura and his family, providing them with the support and care they need during this challenging time. Together, we can make a difference and help Nura overcome his health struggles.
Please donate generously to support Nura’s medical treatment. Your contribution can help save his life.
Account details:
Nura Zakari Gwarzo GTBank Account Number: 0020227626
Let us come together to show our support for Nura Zakaria Gwarzo. Every donation counts, and every prayer matters.
Badaru Abubakar: A towering figure with unwavering influence in Jigawa’s politics
By Jameel Ahmed, PhD
It is both laughable and annoying how some few individuals think that His Excellency Alhaji Muhammad Badaru Abubakar, former Jigawa State Governor and current minister of Defence, is losing relevance in the politics of the state or that his influence and grip on the All Progressives Congress (APC) is waning. Having this insinuation is akin to thinking that a mountain can crumble by a mere hit of a worn-out hammer.
How would you, as a sane person, surmise that a figure as influential and powerful as Badaru can lose relevance in the politics of Jigawa State! As a two-term Jigawa Governor, Badaru not only redefined the politics of the state but also gave essence to governance, transforming it from a mundane routine to a purpose-driven and promising endeavour that truly served the people. Astute and empathetic that he was (and still is), he enlivened the spirit of the poor by taking social amenities to them, thereby placing the state on a promising trajectory of sustainable development.
In what appeared to be a digression from what most politicians considered as norm, Badaru, on assumption of office, vowed to complete the projects initiated by his predecessor. And in a manner that symbolised “walking the talk”, he completed all the projects and initiated others and saw them to the finishing line before the expiration of his tenure. When many would luxuriate on the laps of power and get intoxicated by its grandeur, my Boss remained focus, determined and committed to the welfare of the good people of Jigawa State.
As his loyalist and staunch supporter, one of the numerous lessons I have learnt from him is that of speaking less but doing much. When he promises, rest assured that he has it all planned and that he will fulfill the promise. But here, one wouldn’t deny the fallibility of humans, after all it is an inherent ‘trait’ created in man. But comparatively speaking, Badaru has, as a Governor, proven his worth, and still doing ditto as Nigeria’s Minister of Defence. We are all living witnesses to how he is straining his nerves in securing the country and giving hopes to Nigerians.
His government, all-inclusive that it was, also carried the youths along. It was during his days as the number of citizen of Jigawa that the state witnessed a sharp shift from the approach of having the elderly people taking the centre stage and dominating key positions in government. One wouldn’t err to say that Badaru was the first governor in Nigeria to have given special recognition to the youths. From graciously approving key appointments to the youths, he unprecedentedly paved way for them to contest and win chairmanship election across the local government areas of the state.
He believed that by bringing fresh energy into the system of governance, more innovative solutions, creative ideas and effective policies could be harnessed to drive meaningful change and positive development to the good people of the state. And he was right! The youngsters he drew closer to him and availed opportunities to them didn’t disappoint him. For example, the council chairmen that served during his time had all done wonderfully well as they executed key projects that are critical to the development of their respective local government areas.
But alas, their tenures were cut short with the coming of the present Governor who, ironically, was also a protégé of Badaru. After making him a Commissioner and a member of the state executive council, Badaru later chose Umar Namadi to be his running mate during the time he sought reelection. Badaru, unlike many other governors who wouldn’t allow their deputies to do well lest they become strong and powerful, gave all he could to Namadi, extending every favour to him.
Badaru didn’t stop at that, he went further to clear the grounds for Namadi to succeed him, a rare privilege only few can extend to their deputies. He anointed him, stood by his side and gave his all to ensure his (Namadi’s) success at the poll. Every observer and keen follower of political happenings in Jigawa, if they’re sincere, would tell you that the contest, even at the primaries, was a heated one as there were many aspirants eyeing the exalted governorship seat. But with Badaru’s help, Namadi was able to scale through, even when a section of the state’s population was having misgivings about his competence and capacity to deliver.
And that was how the current governor came to be in the position he occupies now. But in a bizarre turn of events, those close to him began to disparage his predecessor, falsely accusing him of not providing adequate support for the current governor. But this is a baseless accusation and a wanton lie; a delusional statement only an ingrate person with myopic mind could make. As a political gladiator and leader of the APC in the state, Badaru could have anointed another person if he had wished, but he chose to repose his trust on Namadi.
Therefore, to think that Baba Badaru’s influence is waning in the politics of Jigawa state is both absurd and naive. He has built a lasting legacy and a strong network of supporters who are still committed to his ideals and steadfast in their allegiance to him. For the records, the three former council Chairmen (namely, Musa Shu’aibu Guri, Abdulkadir Bala Umar T.O., and Uzairu Nadabo) who served during Badaru and recently appointed by governor Namadi were never staunch loyalists of the Defence Minister, neither are they die-hard APC members. They are only political renegades who defected from the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) to the APC for selfish reasons.
Badaru’s support-base, his relevance and influence in the political space of Jigawa State are still intact. The appointment of the three former council Chairmen as Special Advisers to the current governor did not and will not affect Badaru’s influence. These are people who severed ties with Badaru immediately after he left office and never visited him even after his ministerial appointment. How then can one with a clear mind suggest that their appointment as Special Advisers by the current governor would erode the relevance and wane the influence of His Excellency Muhammad Badaru Abubakar?
Baba Badaru is still Jigawa’s political father and the state’s APC leader whose influence is as formidable as it is far-reaching. He brought APC to the state, nursed and nurtured it to a promising height that shaped the political landscape of the state and sheltered the good people of Jigawa. We are with him. Our allegiance is still intact. So is that of the remaining 21 former council Chairmen whose tenures were cut short at a time when they were executing impactful projects to their people, following the footsteps of our hero, a beacon of hope and an astute leader whose political sagacity is the envy of many. More wisdom to you, His Excellency Muhammad Badaru Abubakar!